Staffing Notifications
The Staffing Notifications are available to send alerts to authorized users regarding Open Shift Notification activity.
AcptBroadSched--Employee Accepted Open Shift Broadcast
This notification immediately informs the user who broadcasted an open shift that an employee has accepted the open shift.
Users receiving the notification need to have an authorization role with the Open Shift Notifications authorization policy assigned to it, such as the SS Staffer role (or an equivalent replicated role). This policy gives them access to the screen where they can subscribe to the notification:
.CloseBroadSched--Close Open Shift Broadcast
This notification immediately informs the user who broadcasted an open shift that all the needs for the open shift have been filled, thereby closing the open shift.
Users receiving the notification need to have an authorization role with the Open Shift Notifications authorization policy assigned to it, such as the SS Staffer role (or an equivalent replicated role). This policy gives them access to the screen where they can subscribe to the notification: