System Notifications

The System Notifications are available to send alerts to authorized users regarding server statuses.

The following topics are available on this page:

DiagMsg--Diagnostic Message

CriticalEvent - Critical Event Notification

ServerOffline--Server Offline

ServerOnline--Server Online

ServerReg--Server Registered

ServerUnreg--Server Unregistered

SQLRepSlowSub (Occurred)--SQL Replication Latent Subscriber

The following related topics are available:

Device Notifications

Education Notifications

Employee Transaction Notifications

License Notifications

Processes Notifications

Schedule Incentive Notifications

Self Scheduling Notifications

Time and Attendance Notifications

DiagMsg--Diagnostic Message

This notification immediately informs a user when a Diagnostic Message is created. Users included in this notification are any employees that monitor System processing, such as a System Administrator.

CriticalEvent - Critical Event Notification

This notification immediately informs subscribers whenever any server writes an event to their event log file with a severity of Critical. This notification is available to users with the SYS General Admin Subscription role. It can be sent as a portal and/or email notification.

ServerOffline--Server Offline

This notification immediately informs the user when a server goes off line. Users included in this notification are any administrators that monitor the system.

ServerOnline--Server Online

This notification immediately informs the user when a server goes online. Employees included in this notification are any administrators that monitor the system.

ServerReg--Server Registered

This notification immediately informs the user when a server is registered. Employees included in this notification are any administrators that monitor the system.

ServerUnreg--Server Unregistered

This notification immediately informs the user when a server is unregistered. Users included in this notification are any administrators that monitor the system.

SQLRepSlowSub (Occurred)--SQL Replication Latent Subscriber

This notification immediately notifies the user when an endpoint replicated database has failed to synchronize within a specified period of time. The period of time is defined by the Application parameter SQL Replication Subsystem Integer 1.

Users included in this notification are any administrators that monitor SQL Replication.